This past week I was so sick with whatever my kids and husband had passed on to me. I was hit with it 10 times harder than the rest of my family, and there were a few days where I could not even get out of bed for more than a few minutes at a time. I don't know what I would have done without my husband and my parents help. I think it hit me so much harder because I was so run down. Having so much time to actually lay down and rest, really made me reanalyze how I have been living my life lately. The main conclusion I came up with is that I need to SLOW down a bit. I need to be ok with the house not being spotless every minute of the day, and to not freak out because the laundry baskets are almost filled to the top. Today I did not clean my house from top to bottom like I wanted to, and I still have two loads of laundry to fold, but I did take a long nap, and I snuggled on the couch to watch a movie with my kids. I have to say it was a good day!

I even took my daughter to school for part of the day with her older brother so I could get a break at least from two kids for a few hours. She felt like such a big girl, and when we pulled up to the school this morning, she yelled, "yay, my school!"